"Vue d'Optique" or ãPerspective View"

Magic Lantern - Laterna Magica - Laterne Magique

The term ãvue d'optique" or ãperspective view" is used for describing a very special genre of antique print. Originating in England it became widely produced in Europe during the second half of the 18th century. Augsburg, Paris, Bassano and several other places became centers for the production of these interesting, fascinating engravings.

ãPerspective views" are usually views of cities around the world (but also of other subject matters, historal, Biblical etc.). These were shown in ãpeep boxes" which in turn were usually set up by travelling owners of such viewing devices on markets throughout Europe. People could, for a certain amount of money, look into a peep box and view these perspective views through a magnifying lense which, at the same time, gave the viewer the impression of threedimensional perception. Well-to-do people bought such viewing machines for their families and began collecting the vue d'optique engravings showing them at home like slide show would be shown.

Perspective view prints were usually colored quite boldly before they were sold. Black and white samples are the exception and rather rare. They also have more or less the same format (size), because they had to fit the peep boxes. The title of a view was not always, but quite frequently printed in several languages and often repeated above the view in inverted writing (which was corrected by the lens for the viewer).

The value of perspective view prints rapidly increased, when modern day collectors discovered the genre and began to be interested in collecting the prints. Some large collections of prints and viewing devices have been sold in some of the big auction houses with great success.

Since perspective view prints were actually used almost daily by moving them in and out of viewing boxes, they often show some wear and tear, unless they were handled with much care by private possessors. Prints are in good condition unles otherwise mentioned. A few minor spots and signs of wear are typical of antique prints.

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"Vue et perspective d'un Jardin du Roy d'Angleterre aux environs de Londres"

A Royal Garden view near London

Type of print: Copper etching

Color: Beautiful original hand coloring

Condition: Almost perfect

Published: Paris by Jacques Chereau

Date published: Ca. 1760/80

Print size: 25,4 x 42,5 cm ( (10 x 16.7")

Sheet size: 31,4 x 50,8 cm (12.3 x 20")

Price: $ 140.00

Order Nr. VUED'OPTIQUE 236098

"The Foundling Hospital London - L'Hospital des Enfans Trouves a Londres"

Orphnage in London. Waisenhaus in London - Now Foundling Museum.

Type of print: Copper etching

Color: Beautiful original hand coloring

Condition: Almost perfect

Published: Paris by Jacques Chereau

Date published: Ca. 1760/80

Print size: 25 x 41 cm ( (9.8 x 16.1")

Sheet size: 31,4 x 51 cm (12.3 x 20")


"View of the Canal of St. James's Park - Vue du Canal dans le Parc de St. Jacques"

St. James Park London

Type of print: Copper etching

Color: Beautiful original hand coloring

Condition: Almost perfect except for light crease in lower left margin corner.

Published: Paris by Jacques Chereau

Date published: Ca. 1760/80

Print size: 23 x 40 cm ( (9 x 15.7")

Sheet size: 34,4 x 47,8 cm (13.6 x 18.8")

Price: $ 120.00

Order Nr. VUED'OPTIQUE 236099

"Entwurf des Collegii der Gesellschaft Jesu bei S. Salvator gegen Mittag"

View of of the College of the Societas Jesu (SJ) in Augsburg, Germany

Type of print: Copper etching as a cue d'optique

Engraver: Anonymous

Published: Paris. Ca. 1760/80

Condition: Trimmed to edges of print with black border lines fully there. Margins added on all four sides. Paper for margins used is paper of around 1800. Title in Latin and in German language by ink. Image clean. Margins partially spotty with traces of age and use.

21,7 x 39 cm (ca. 8.5 x 15")

$ 240.00

Order Nr.VUEOPTIQUE238734

ãDie St. Peters Kirche nebst dem Vatican Palast zu Rom"

Title also in French, Italian, Latin

Copper etching by Georg Gottfried Winckler. Original hand coloring.

Published by Georg Balthasar Probst. Augsburg, um 1750. Kapff 144

Plate mark has been strenghtened from behind using fine China paper. Repaired tear in upper sky area.

There is spotting, creasing and other traces of age and use.

27,2 x 40,2 cm (10.7 x 15.8")


"Actieuse Nacht-Wind-Zanger met zyn Tover slons"
"The night share-crier and his magic lantern. A caricature of John Law and his bubble schemes - Amsterdam, 1720,"

Wood engraving ca 1870. Reverse side is printed.

9.5 x 7.4 cm ( 3.7 x 2.9 ")



Prospect der S. Martins Kirche zu London

Copper etching by Georg Balthasar Probst. Vue d'optique. Original hand coloring. Text: Left Latin and French. Right: Italian and German

Excellent hand coloring. Margins trimmed without loss to title etc.

27.7 x 40 cm (10.9 x 15.7")


Kapff Nr. 129

ãVue des Jardins de Potsdam en Prusse". Added to title in ink hand-writing the word ãAllemagne". Title above

The engraving also in mirror-inverted writing for use of this vue d'optique in a peep-box.

Copper etching. Original hand coloring (recently freshed-up). Published by Basset in Paris. Ca 1780

Clean. Wide margins. Very nice appearance. Very minor signs of age and use.

Image: 25.4 x 39 cm (10 x 15.4")

$ 380.00

Order Nr. VUED'OPTIQUE 5035


"Prospectus taverna, quay nomen habet London versus ambulacrum Goettingae"

"Prospetto della taverna che chiamasi London, dirimpetto all' Alea a Goettinghe"

"Aspect de la taverne que s'appelle London, vis a vis l'Allee a Goettinghe"

"Prospect der London Schencke, gegen der Allee zu Goettingen"

London Schencke, built alongside the University of Goettingen in the year 1737. It was a guest house and restaurant for travelers.

The building is still standing. It is called ãMichaelis-Haus" in the Goethe-Allee. To the left: The University Library building.

Copper etching by Georg Daniel Heumann

Image: 27,5 x 41,4 cm (ca. 10.8 x 16.3")

Very nice original hand color. Some minor traces of age and use. Margins narrow.

Kapff - K 50


No Title. Laterna magica.

The woman has a large selection of images to be shown with the Laterna Magica . The Laterna
Magica is being carried by the young boy ( her son ? ) on his back. The two walk the streets looking
for customers who pay a small fee to see the images projected.

Copper etching by Ferdinand Kobell, 1820.

6.5 x 5.8 cm ( 2.5 x 2.2 ")


"Vue Perspective de la grande place du Parc St. Jacques a Londres"

View of Horse Guards Palace in St. James Park in London

Type of print: Copper etching

Color: Beautiful original hand coloring

Condition: Almost perfect

Published: Paris by Jacques Chereau

Date published: Ca. 1760/80

Print size: 23 x 37,5 cm ( (9 x 14.7")

Sheet size: 31,4 x 51 cm (12.3 x 20")

Price: $ 160.00

Order Nr. VUED'OPTIQUE 236100

Vues d'Optique, Guckkasten, Peep Box, View box,


A peep box of the 18th century. Young woman is looking at probably frivolous pictures
in a peep box. A Young fellow, probably the supplier of the lewd material crouches in back with a smirk on his face.
Article (in German) below the image and on the reverse side about flirting,
referring t the young man in the image on the right side.

Print after a copper etching. Published in a German caricature book. 1928

13,2 x 9,7 cm (ca. 5.1 x 3.8")

$ 35.00 (Please look for discount at top of this page. Here 40% = $ 21,00)

Order Nr. VUED'OPTIQUE255278


Very fine etching by J. Klau after a painting by Ferdinand Georg Waldmueller.
Waldmueller was an important Austrian painter.
Published in Vienna ca 1890

Printed on heavy paper. 19 x 25 cm ( 7.4 x 9.8 ")

$ 120.00

Order Nr. VUEOPTIQUE251645

No Title

Wood engraving on a page of text of a laterna magica using images from microscopes.
The text continues on the reverse side where there is also a small image of a man with a microscope.
Published 1869.

Image: 6 x 9 cm ( 2.3 x 3.5")

$ 35.00

Order Nr. VUEOPTIQUE255478.

"Die neue Laterna magica"

Wood engraving on a page of text in German that continues on the reverse side about te new Laterna Magica.

Image: 9 x 14.5 cm ( 3.5 x 5.7 ")


"La Lanterna Magica"

Peepshow provider on a plaza in Rome. Curious crowd looking into the peep box with vues d'optiques, engraving specially printed for the purpose of showing. See article about cues d'optiques above.

Hand colored copper etching by Bartolomeo Pinelli (1781-1835).

Published in "Raccolta di motivi pittoreschi". Rome, 1809

Pinelli was a masterful engraver who depicted public life and costumes in early 19th century Rome.

Very good condition.

Image: 20 x 29 cm ( 7.8 x 11.4 )

Page size: 25 x 37 cm ( 9.8 x 14.5 ")

$ 240.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 144.00

Order Nr. VUEOPTIQUE252244

"La lanterne magique"

Wood engraving published 1883. Reverse side is printed.

12.5 x 9.5 cm ( 4.9 x 3.7 ")

$ 40.00

Order Nr. VUEOPTIQUE244536

"L'Homme a la Lanterne magique"

Wood engraving published 1870. Reverse side is printed with unrelated text.

Image: 14.5 x 8 cm ( 5.7 x 3.1 ")

$ 55.00

Order Nr. VUEOPTIQUE251450

"Strassenscene in Peking" ( street scene in Peking )

Wood engraving by C. Laplante published 1895. On the reverse side is text ( in German ) about China.

15.5 x 23.5 cm ( 6.1 x 9.2 ")

$ 70.00

Order Nr. VUEOPTIQUE251663

"Laterna magica"

Wood engraving with some accompanying text (incomplete) in the German language

Ouside / inside view of laterna magica

Condition: Good

7 x 5,5 cm (ca. 2.8 x 2.2")


"La Fantasmograph."

Wood engraving of a French variant and further development of the laterna magica, a geneal invention, which was scientifically described by Jesuit priest Athanasius Kircher in the year 1671

Ca. 1860

With explanatory text in the French language (disrupted)

Image: Ca.9,5 x 7 cm (ca. 3.7 x 2.8")

Page size: ca. 29 x 19 cm (ca. 11.4 x 7.5")


"Reproduktion telegraphischer Depeschen durch die Laterna magica waehrend der Belagerung von Paris"
(Using the Laterna magica to view telegrams during the siege of Paris)

Wood engraving published ca 1875. The reverse side is printed with unrelated text.

Image: 12 x 18.5 cm ( 4.7 x 7.2")

$ 40.00 (minus 40% Discount = $ 24.00)

Order Nr. VUEOPTIQUE255400

"A View of Blanckenwall looking towards Greenwich".

The shipyards at Blackwall on the Thames

Vue d'optique. Copper etching by J. Heudelot. Original hand coloring. Ca. 1790.

Left margin added. Left side of print a bit rubbedOtherwise good condition.

23.2 x 40.4 cm (9.1 x 15.9").

$ 180.00

Order Nr. VUE D'OPTIQUE 4922

"Ah! ça mais on ne voit rien dans votre Lanterne magique?"

"Un peu de patience! le rideau n'est pas encore levé"

Lithograph from the series "Actualités Nr. 87" by Honoré Daumier

Published in Le Charivari on 25. May 1866. DR Number 3959

Original horizontal and vertical folds.

One spot in upper margin. Otherwise very clean.

With text: 26 x 22.5 cm ( 10.2 x 8.8 ")


No Title. Looking in a special laterna magica to view year 1872.

Humorous wood engraving by Ambourne, 1872. In the lower corners are name calendars with the names of
personalities as well as special church days. A few signs of age and use. Reverse side is printed.

12 x 19.5 cm ( 4.7 x 7.6 ")


"Reproduction photographischer Depeschen durch die Laterna Magica während der Belagerung von Paris"

Reproduction of telegrams (wires) via the Laterna Magica.

Wood engraving . Published in a German publication.

Leipzig & Berlin, 1892

Very good condition

11,7 x 19 cm Ca. 4.6 x 7.5")

$ 115.00 (Please see discount at top of this page. Here 40% = $ 69.00)

Order Nr. VUED'OPTIQUE 254777

Rome. - "Palais Corsini"

Copper etching by Balthasar Frederic Leizelt

After the drawing by Jean Barbault (ca. 1705-1766)

Vue d'Optique, Persepective View, Guckkasten-Blatt

Print shows: La Farnesina, church and monastery San Giacomo in Augusta.

Vue d'Optique, Persepective View, Guckkasten-Blatt.

Print shows: Plaza Colonna, Trajan Column, Church: Santissimo Nome di Maria, Church: Santa Maria di Loreto. Trajan column.

Reverse title over the top of print.

Printed on beautifully thick paper. Light general age toning. Some minor creasing and repairs in margins.

Published by the Academy in Augsburg. Ca. 1760/80.

32 x 43 cm (ca. 12.5 x 16.9")

$ 400.00

Order Nr. VUED'OPTIQUE242656

"Prospekt der Haupt-Kirche des Vatikans und der Engelsburg in Rom, wie dieses alles von der Leonischen Vorstadt und Burgen her sich zeiget"

Vatican, Hadrian's Castle

Title in German and French

Copper etching. Vue d'Optique, Persepective View, Guckkasten-Blatt by Bergmueller

Published by the Academy in Augsburg. Ca. 1760/80

Reverse title on top of print.

Light age toning. Some creasing in margins. Some traces of age and use. Spotting in upper margin.

29 x 41 cm (ca. 11.4 x 16.1")

$ 380.00


"Prospekt der Haupt Kirche in Rom genant Maia Maggiore von der Seite gegen die vier Bronnen anzusehen"

One of the four Papal churches in Rome is Santa Maria Maggiore.

Title in German and French

Copper etching. Vue d'Optique, Persepective View, Guckkasten-Blatt by Jean Benoit Winckler

Published by the Academy in Augsburg. Ca. 1760/80.

Reverse title on top of print.

General age toning. Some creasing in margins. Some minor traces of age and use.

29 x 38,5 cm (ca. 11.4 x 15.1")

$ 380.00


"Vue du Palias Sacchetti a Rome"

Palazzo Sacchetti in Via Giulia, Rome.

Copper etching by Balthasar Frederic Leizelt

After the drawing by Jean Barbault (ca. 1705-1766)

Vue d'Optique, Persepective View, Guckkasten-Blatt

Reverse title over the top of print.

Printed on beautifully thick paper. Light general age toning. Some minor repairs in margins.
Two tiny holes in left margin.

Published by the Academy in Augsburg. Ca. 1760/80.

32 x 43 cm (ca. 12.5 x 16.9")

$ 400.00

Order Nr. VUED'OPTIQUE 242330

"Vue de la Place de St. Jean de Lateran du cote de l'Hopital"

Lateran Basilica is the Arch Cathedral Church of the Diocese of Rome and the official ecclesiastical seat of the Bishop of Rome who is always the Pope. Also showing the Lateran Palace and the Lateran Obeslisk. The obelisk was built in Egypt in memory of Pharao Thusmosis III (ca. 1500 B.C,) and was transported to Rome by Emperor Constantine in the year 357. It is the tallest of all obelisks in Rome (31 meters, 47 meters including the base). It was first erected next to the Circus Maximus and there destroyed by an earthquake. In 1587 A.D. it was transported and erected in its place in the Lateran Piazza.

Copper etching by Balthasar Frederic Leizelt

After the drawing by Jean Barbault (ca. 1705-1766)

Vue d'Optique, Persepective View, Guckkasten-Blatt

Reverse title over the top of print.

Printed on beautifully thick paper. Light general age toning. Some minor repairs in margins.

Published by the Academy in Augsburg. Ca. 1760/80.

32 x 43 cm (ca. 12.5 x 16.9")

$ 400.00

Order Nr. VUED'OPTIQUE 242331

"Die prächtige St. Peters Kirche zu Rom, wie solche nach der rechten Seiten anzusehen"

St. Peter in Vatican

Copper etching by Jean Benoit Winckler

After the drawing by Giuseppe Vasi (1710-1782)

Vue d'Optique, Persepective View, Guckkasten-Blatt

Reverse title over the top of print.

Printed on beautifully thick paper. Light general age toning. Some soiling and repairs in wide margins.

Published by the Academy in Augsburg. Ca. 1760/80.

29 x 40 cm (ca. 11.4 x 15.7")

$ 400.00

Order Nr. VUED'OPTIQUE242655

"Vue de la Place de la ColonneTrajane a Rome"

Copper etching by Balthasar Frederic Leizelt

After the drawing by Jean Barbault (ca. 1705-1766)

Vue d'Optique, Persepective View, Guckkasten-Blatt.

Print shows: Plaza Colonna, Trajan Column, Church: Santissimo Nome di Maria, Church: Santa Maria di Loreto. Trajan column.

Reverse title over the top of print.

Printed on beautifully thick paper. Light general age toning. Some minor repairs in margins.

Published by the Academy in Augsburg. Ca. 1760/80.

32 x 41 cm (ca. 12.6 x 16.1")

$ 380.00

Order Nr. VUED'OPTIQUE242657

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40% Discount on All Prints with a VUEOPTIQUE number on this page!

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"Platea D: Bassi et suum templum, Venetiis"

"Rue S.Basse avec son Temple, a Venise"

"La Strada D. Bassi e il suo Tempio di Venezia"

"Die Gasse S. Bassi und dessen Tempel zu Venedig"

Georg Balthasar Probst was the most important memeber of an Augsburg family of artists and publishers.He was the German representative of the "Vue d'Optique" , a genre of copper engravings showing in the size of this here shown print the architectural "wonders of the world" to people mainly during fairs. The prints were pushed into a view box and the viewers, one at a time, could look through a lens to see the prints inserted into the box by the operator, for money, of course. There were French, Italian, Spanish, publishers of Vue d'Optique prints. But the most famous and the most true to facts ones came from the Augsburg workshop of G.B. Probst. He produced ca. 400 of them, not only views of places, but also a variety of other subject matters. While most prints of this genre were loudly and heavily colored, a small series was left black and white, truly showing their artistic value beyond the fulfilment of curiosity at fairs. This is such an example as is the next print down the line. The time od printing was ca 1750.

Lively baroque street scene in Venise. Print is in almost very good condition. A little vertical rippling of paper which happened during printing is the only drawback worth mentioning.Wide margins.

Copper etching by Georg Balthasar Probst. Augsburg, ca. 1750

Kapff Nr. 166

27.2 x 41.3 cm 10.7 x 16.3").

$ 760.00

Order Nr. VUE D'OPTIQUE249208

"Templum cum Platea Sanctae Maria Formosae, Venetiis"

"Temple de la Sainte Vierge la Belle avec la rue a Venise"

"Chiesa dalla Madonna la Bella colla Strada di Venezia"

"Die Kirche samt der Strasse, der Heil. Maria der schoenen zu Venedig."

Georg Balthasar Probst was the most important memeber of an Augsburg family of artists and publishers.He was the German representative of the "Vue d'Optique" , a genre of copper engravings showing in the size of this here shown print the architectural "wonders of the world" to people mainly during fairs. The prints were pushed into a view box and the viewers, one at a time, could look through a lens to see the prints inserted into the box by the operator, for money, of course. There were French, Italian, Spanish, publishers of Vue d'Optique prints. But the most famous and the most true to facts ones came from the Augsburg workshop of G.B. Probst. He produced ca. 400 of them, not only views of places, but also a variety of other subject matters. While most prints of this genre were loudly and heavily colored, a small series was left black and white, truly showing their artistic value beyond the fulfilment of curiosity at fairs. This is such an example as is the next print down the line. The time od printing was ca 1750.

Lively baroque street scene in Venice.

Copper etching by Georg Balthasar Probst. Augsburg, ca. 1750

Well preserved print with wide margins. Title: Latin, Italian, French, German.

27.4 x 40.8 cm (10.8 x 16.1").

$ 760.00

Order Nr. VUED'OPTIQUE249207

Kapff Nr. 162

PEEP BOX / Boite d'Optique Guckkasten

No title. On the Fair Ground.

Among various childrens' diversions -a Peep Box!

Seems to be a French scenery.

Wood engraving. Printed in color. French. Ca. 1890 / 1900

Reverse side has unrelated text print.

General age toning. Margins show some traces of age and use.

26,8 x 20,5 cm (ca. 10.5 x 8")


"Zauberlaterne" Stellung für Deckenbilder and Stellung für Wandbilder

With a German language article: Sternwarte im Zimmer.

Zincograph from a German periodical. 1894

Light general age toning. Otherwise very good condition.

Page size 26,5 x 17,5 cm (ca. 10.4 x 6.9")

$ 60.00 (See discount top of page)


"Vue du Grand Marche vers l'Eglise de Notre Dame a Munic En Baviere"

Munich Marienplatz (St. Mary's Plaza)

Vue d'optique, perspective view. Copper etching. Original hand coloring. Published by Mondhare, Paris. Ca. 1760. Title only in French

Shows the main plaza of Munich as splendid as it once was and Notre Dame church as it is still in present time with a lively staffage.

Margins show traces of age and use. But the image as well as the superb hand coloring are in very good condition.

27.3 x 42.2 cm (10.7 x 16.6")

$ 560.00

Order Nr. VUE D'OPTIQUE235282

"Le Cap de Bonne Esperance"

Copper etching. Published by Jacques Chereau. Paris, ca. 1780. Original hand coloring. Above image reverse title for use in peep box.

An early view of Cape Town from the ocean

Condition is very good!

23 x 39 cm (9.1 x 15.4")


ãVue de la Ville du Mexique prise du cote du Lac". Floating fruit and flower boats on the lake in Mexico City.

Vue d'optique. Copper etching. Original hand coloring. By Daumont, Paris, ca. 1790.

Wide margins have some repaired tears away from image. General age toning.

Inverted title above for use in Peep box. Title: French.

23 x 38.3 cm (9 x 15").

$ 400.00

Order Nr. VUE D'OPTIQUE 4921

"Le Singe qui montre la laterne magique"

(The monkey explaining the magic lantern)

Type of print: Wood engraving

Designer & Engraver: Valentin Foulquier (1822-1896)

After painting by: Victor Bachereau (1842-1885)

Reverse side: Unrelated French text print


Dated:Dated 1865

Measurements (Image): 21.5 x 15 cm (ca. 8.5 x 6")

Condition: General age toning. Otherwise very good.

Humoristique rendering of a magic lantern in animal kingdom with a likewise poem underneith in the French language. The animals see ãnothing" on the opposite wall, because the monkey does not know how to handle the technique well.

Order Nr. VUE D'OPTIQUE 236347 SOLD

Vue de la Cour du Prince Statouder d´Holland ou se lient l´assembles des Etats Generaux a la Haye.

Published in Paris by Jaques Chereau ca 1770. Fine original hand coloring.

Print has overall pleasant light age toning. Small repair in lower left corner outside of image in plate impression.
Minor signs of age and use in margins.

Image: 22 x 38.5 cm ( 8.6 x 15 ")

$ 170.00

Order Nr. VUEOPTIQUE237336

Menorca (Mahon). ãProspect des Koeniglichen Zollhausses in dem Hafen zu Port=Mahon, auf der Insel Minorca, in dem Mittellaendischen Meer, welche ganze Insul, in dem letzten Utrechter Frieden, die Kron Spanien denen Engellaendern abgetretten"

Vue d'optique. Copper etching by Balthasar Friedrich Leizelt. Original hand coloring. Published by Kaiserlich Franziskische Akademie. Augsburg, ca. 1780.

General age toning. Lower margin narrow. Some spotting and a mild crease outside image. Inverted title above. Very nice coloring. Overall condition: Better than good. Title: German and French.

24 x 38 cm ( 13.4 x 15").

$ 480.00 minus 40% Discount = $ 288.00

Order Nr. VUE D'OPTIQUE 4914

Frankfurt, Germany. ãLa Place du Marche de Francfort sur le Mein en Allemagne". Market day in Frankfurt.

Vue d'optique Nr. 55). Copper etching. Original hand coloring. Published by Daumont. Paris, ca. 1790.

General age toning. Margins somewhat browned. Right margin has stains well away from image. Lower left margin corner has repaired tear. Title: Latin and French.

25.2 x 41.5 cm (9.9 x 16.3").

$ 480.00

Order Nr. VUE D'OPTIQUE 4915


Book Title

For all of those who like or even love vues d'optiques, perspective views, Guckkastenbilder or peep box pictures the publishing of Sixt von Kapff's book on this subject matter is a great moment, a sidereal hour!

Dr. von Kapff is presenting here a veritable masterwork by composing acribically the entire work, which Georg Balthasar Probst (1732 - 1801), publisher in Augsburg, devoted to a new genre of printing: the perspective view. Over a long period of time Kapff meticulously and unrelenting carried together all information about the individual perspective views Probst had produced. He photographed each as he found them in public and in private collections, antiquariats and auction houses and did not relent until he had assembled the entire Probst work.

The result of this labor is indeed astonishing. It is as entertaining as it is scientific. Kapff was not satisfied with showing each vue d'optique but he went after the source. Which artwork served Probst as models for his prints? Wherever possible Kapff furnished even this very interesting information. Every single Probst-print is shown with all the necessary information pertaining to it: Title in all used languages, engraver (if known), Probst-number, exact size and even any specialties worth mentioning, and , last not least for collectors, dealers, auctioneers: the KAPFF number, by which from now on all Probst vues d'optique prints will be refered to.

Probst's perspective view prints belong to the highest in quality. Besides prints of Biblical and mythological themes, Probst printed mainly views of cities and places , mostly boldly hand-colored, which showmen offered to the public for small coin in their peep boxes. In times when travelling was limited to few, this was, for the general public, a possibility for a glance into the distant, wide world. The high quality of Probst perspective views is based on his use of foremost artists, such as Piranesi, Belotto (Canaletto), Marieschi, Werner, Remshart and many others.

From one, who has known Dr. Sixt von Kapff through all these years I express my admiration and my gratitude for this great book!

Rainer Rauhut, antiquarian

Sixt von Kapff, Guckkastenbilder aus dem Verlag von Georg Baltasar Probst 1732 - 1801. Gesamtkatalog. Bound (hard cover). Anton H. Konrad Verlag, Weissenhorn


ISBN 978-3-87437-548-1

Subscription price until April 30, 2011 is EURO 88.00 All Sold!

We regretfully inform our customers, that

Dr. Sixt von Kapff

Author of the book

"Georg Balth. Probst - Guckkastenbilder"

Died April 8, 2018

Prague. - "Prospect des Eingangs in in die koenigliche Burg, und der Erzbischoefl. Residenz bis zur alten Reitschul in Prag". (Royal Chateau and Episcopal Residence in Prague)

Copper etching in the highest quality with superb original hand coloring. Published by Carmine. Augsburg, ca. 1780

Margins are not very ample. A hardly visible crease in upper right corner. Otherwise oerfect.

26 x 36.5 cm (10.2 x 14.4")


"The Church of St. Peter at Rome - L'Eglise de St. Pierre a Rome"

Vue d'optique - Perspective view. Anonymous copper etching. Pub lished by Bowles and Carver. London, ca. 1780

Very attractive, spectacular view of St. Peter with the impressive Colonades of the St. Peter Plaza planned by Gian Lorenzo Bernini

Margins have been professionally widened. Very good condition.

25 x 40.5 cm (9.8 x 16")

$ 450.00

Order Nr. VUEDOPTIQUE234614

"L'Eglise, et la place de St. Andre de la Valle, a Rome" (Church of Sant'Andrea della Valle)

Copper etching by Huquier. Paris, ca. 1780. Very good original hand coloring. Tite above image in reverse writing for use in peep box.

Minimal traces of age in margin edges. Image in excellent condition.

24 x 41 cm (9.4 x 16.1")

$ 420.00

Order Nr. VUEDOPTIQUE234623

Vista del Palacio Real cerca de la Parada a Berlin.(Stadtschloss in Berlin - City Chateau in Berlin)

Copper etching.Vue d'Optique. Original hand coloring. By Remondini, Bassano, ca. 1780. Text: Left Latin, Right Spanish

The chateau of the Prussian Kings as it looked ca. 1750.

Some minor traces of age and use.

28.3 x 41 cm (11.1 x 16.1")

$ 520.00

Order Nr. VUE D'OPTIQUE4929

Prospect des Koenigl. Opern=Hausses gegen der Catholischen S. Hedwigs Kirche zu Berlin - ( Opera House and St. Hedwig's church Berlin)

Copper etching by Georg Balthasar Probst. Vue d'optique. Original hand coloring. Text: Left Latin and French. Right: Italian and German

Excellent hand coloring. Very good condition. Minor traces of age and use in margins.

26.5 x 40.8 cm (10.4 x 16.1")

$ 680.00

Order Nr. VUE D'OPTIQUE4928

Kapff Nr. 15

Prospect des Koenigl. Arsenals, gegen dem Cron-Prinzl. Palast zu Berlin

Copper etching by Georg Balthasar Probst. Vue d'optique. Original hand coloring. Text: Left Latin and French. Right: Italian and German

Excellent hand coloring. Very good condition. Minor traces of age and use in margins.

27 x 41 cm (10.6 x 16.1")

$ 680.00

Order Nr. VUE D'OPTIQUE4927

Kapff Nr. 13

Vue De LÁncienne Ville De Palmire, en Asie.

Type of print: Copper etching

Color: Beautiful original hand coloring

Condition: Almost perfect

Published: Paris by Chez Hocquart

Date published: Ca. 1760/80

Print size: 24,3 x 37 cm ( 9.5 14.5")

Sheet size: 33 x 51 cm (12.9 x 20")

Price: $ 120.00

Order Nr. VUED'OPTIQUE 236470

"The Ancient City of Palmira as it now appears" (Syria)

Copper etching (original hand-coloring). Published by Carington Bowles in a series of perspective views after the British expedition and the careful drawing of all then remaining antique ruins in Palmira. Robert Wood and James Dawkins went to Palmira in 1751 and had J.P Borra an italian architect draw the ruins. Their enormously important monumental work bore the title: The Ruins of Palmira" and was published in London, 1753This is plate 4, the general view, of the set of 4 perspective views, which were printed after the mentioned book. London, ca. 1760

Title in English and French in the manner of perspective views.


1. The Temple of the Sun (Baal) - 2. ATurkish Mosque - 3. A Little Temple - 4. The Cell of a Temple - 5. Large Pedestals - 6. A Line of Columns which belonged to a Portico - 7. The Remains of a Christian Church - 8. Ruins of a Sepulchre - 9. Buildings errected by Diocletian - 10. A Sepulchre - 11. Ruins of a Turkish fortification - 12. The Turkish castle on the hill.

Beautiful original hand coloring. Hardly visible repaired tear on right side. Small repaired tear in left margin.
Overall very pleasant appearance.

27.2 x 37.8 cm (10.7 x 14.9")

$ 580.00

Order Nr. NEAREAST235623

"Robertson's Phantaskop"

(Screening of ghost appearances by way of the Laterna Magica)

Robertson invented and patented his optical apparatus in 1797

There were several names for the apparatus: Phantascope was one of them.

Very good condition. Text print above and below.

10,3 x 12 cm (ca. 4 x 4.7")

Reverse side has text print and a wood engraving ãLaterna magica zu Nebelbildern)

9,5 x 6 cm (ca. 3.7 x 2.4")

Wood engravings published in a German publication.

$ 80.00 (Please see discount at top of this page. Here 40% = $ 48.00).

Order Nr. VUEOPTIQUE254778

The Ministerial Crisis

Showman. On your right you wil perceive a Prime Minister a Bolishing hisself. And over your left is another Prime Minister a Bolishing of the Corn Laws.

Master John Bull. But which is the Prime Minister?

Showman. Which ever you please, my little dear. You pays your money, and you takes your choice.

Wood engraving from Punch, 1846.

Page size: 26 x 19.2 cm ( 14.1 x 7.5 ")


Vue D'Optique Marseille

"Viso del Palazzo della Citta di Marsiglia e L'una parte del Porto". City Hall and a part of the harbour of Marseille.

"Vue de l'Hotel de Ville de Marseille et d'une partie du Port."

"Viso del Palazzo della Citta di Mardiglia e d'una parte del Porto!

"Gesicht des Rathauses zu Marseille, und einen Theil des Haafens"

Georg Balthasar Probst was the most important memeber of an Augsburg family of artists and publishers.He was the German representative of the "Vue d'Optique" , a genre of copper engravings showing in the size of this here shown print the architectural "wonders of the world" to people mainly during fairs. The prints were pushed into a view box and the viewers, one at a time, could look through a lens to see the prints inserted into the box by the operator, for money, of course. There were French, Italian, Spanish, publishers of Vue d'Optique prints. But the most famous and the most true to facts ones came from the Augsburg workshop of G.B. Probst. He produced ca. 400 of them, not only views of places, but also a variety of other subject matters. While most prints of this genre were loudly and heavily colored, a small series was left black and white, truly showing their artistic value beyond the fulfilment of curiosity at fairs. This is such an example as is the next print down the line. The time of printing was ca 1750.

Copper etching by Georg Balthasar Probst. Augsburg, ca. 1750

Well preserved print Clean. Strong impression. Slight rippling in upper area. Title: Latin, Italian, French, German.

27 x 39.5 cm (10.8 x 16.1").

$ 480.00

Order Nr. VUED'OPTIQUE249209

Kapff Nr.104

Marseille - Les Promenades

"Prospectus combattus Marseilliensis"

"Vista da Passeggiamenti"

"Vue du Cours de Marseille"

"Gesicht der Spaziegaenge zu Marsilien"

Copper engraving with original hand color. Some traces of age and use. Narrow margins.

Image: 26,8 x 39,7cm (ca. 10.5 x 15.6)

K 103

$ 420,00

Order Nr. VUE D'OPTIQUE 256552

"Veue et Perspective du College des quatres Nations, de Paris"

College of Four Nations or Institut de France and Bibliotheque Mazarine. Also common use to say: College Mazarin. Opposite the Louvre on the Seine in the 6th Arrondissement. A noble baroque building, built from 1662 to 1688 by archiect Louis Le Vau.

Vue d'optique, perspective view. Copper etching. Original hand coloring. Published by Daumont, Paris. Ca. 1760

French perspective view. Title in Latin and French. Ca. 1760

Well kept. Beautiful original hand coloring. Minor creasing. No major traces of age and use.

29 x 41.5 cm (11.4 x 16.3")

$ 350.00

Order Nr. VUE D'OPTIQUE 235235

Paris. ãLa Porte St. Bernard entrant dans Paris".

Vue d'optique. Copper etching. Original hand coloring. Published by Daumont. Paris. Ca. 1790. All windows cut out. A gold foil mounted behind section with windows, so that the openings appear in gold.

Margins partially reenforcec to repair tears. Non of them reaching image. Otherwise well preserved print. Title: Latin and French

25.8 x 40.3 cm (10.2 x 15.9").

$ 350.00

Order Nr. VUED'OPTIQUE 4909

Paris. ãLes Boulevards de Paris pris du grand Caffe pres le Reservoir de la Ville".

Vue d'optique. Copper etching.. Original hand coloring. Published by Daumont. Parais, ca. 1790.

General age toning. A tiny bit wrinkly. Margins a bit spotty. Title: Latin and French

26.3 x 38.4 cm (10.4 x 15.1").

$ 140.00

Order Nr. VUE D'OPTIQUE 4910

Paris - Palace of Four Nations

"Vue du Paris des quattres Nationes / Ansicht von den Palast der
vier Nationen / Vedutta del palazzo della quatro Natione".

Copper etching in original hand coloring, Augsburg, ca 1750. Vue dÔOptique.

This powerfully-colored etching is symetically engraved with the Palace of the Four Nations in
the center. The palace with its dome overlooks the Seine river, full of life with various riverboats.
The title is below the image in three languages. Above the image in mirror writing is "Perspective de Paris".

Print has light toning and some scattered smudging in margins.
Light browning of outer margin edges and a small repair on upper magin edge. Condition is Almost Very Good.

27.2 x 39.8 cm ( 10.7 x 15.7 ")

$ 350.00

Order Nr. PARIS FRANCE9072

Paris-Versailles. ãLe Chateau Roayal de Versailles cu cote de la Grande Avenue de Paris".

Vue d'optique. Copper etching. Original hand coloring. Published by Daumont. Paris, ca. 1790.

General age toning. The coloring a bit careless. Spotty in margins. Inverted title above. Title: Latin and English

25.4 x 39.6 cm (10 x 15.6").

$ 380.00

Order Nr. VUE D'OPTIQUE 4913

From the episode of 6 engravings ãThe prodigal son". ãIl figliolo prodigo dividendo i beni col Padre". The son receives his patrimony.

Vue d'optique. Copper etching. Very good original hand coloring. Published by Georg Balthasar Probst. Augsburg, ca. 1770.

General age toning. Margins a bit spotty and roundabout reenforced to repair insignificant tears. Title: Latin, Italian, French, German.

28 x 41.5 cm (11 x 16.3").

$ 280.00

Order Nr. VUE D'OPTIQUE 4916

Kapff Nr. 345

Frome the episode of 6 engravingsãThe prodigal son". ãEl Hijo Prodigo Reparte Los Bienes Con El Padre". The son receives his patrimony.

Vue d'optique. Copper etching. Published by Remondini. Bassano, ca. 1790.

General age toning. Some wrinkling and creasing. Wide margins. Some repaired tears. Title: Latin and Spanish.

28.7 x 41.7 cm (11.3 x 16.4").

$ 280.00

Order Nr. VUE D'OPTIQUE 4917

"Filius deperditus inter Scorta Il figliuolo prodigio fra la puttane."

"L `enfant prodigue entre las putains. Der verlohrne Sohn bey den Huren"

Frome the episode of 6 engravingsãThe prodigal son".

Vue d'optique. Copper etching. Published by Georg Balthasar Probst. Augsburg, ca. 1770.

Repaired tear on upper margin edge and another on lower margin edge.
Left margin edge and upper margin edge have been reinforced on the reverse side.
Crease in lower left image and scattered creases in lower margin and title area.

Image size: 27.5 x 41 cm ( 10.8 x 16.1 ")
Page size: 34.2 x 44.2 cm ( 13.4 x 17.4 ")


Kapff Nr. 347

"Gesicht S. Peters Pfarr Kirch gegen dem Wacht Hauss zu Wien"

Saint Peter church in Vienna, Austria

Vue d'optique. Perspective view. Copper etching by J.F.Leizel. Partial original hand coloring. Published by Balthasar Probst. Augsburg. Ca. 1770. Title in four languages: Latin, French, Italian, German.

Except that the hand coloring was begun, but not finished, this engraving is in excellent condition

27 x 40 cm (10.6 x 15.7")

Order Nr. VUE D'OPTIQUE235283 SOLD

Kapff Nr. 267

ãVue d'Optique representant La Bourse Royale a Londres".
Peep box view of the Royal Stock Exchange, London.

Copper etching in original hand coloring. To be used in peep boxes. Printed by Daumont. Paris, ca. 1760.

Very attractive and important view of the London Stock Exchange. All four margin corners rounded off. Traces of use and light smudging in margins. But the condition in general is better than good.

22.3 x 38.5 cm (8.8 x 15.2")

$ 480.00

Order Nr. ENGLAND2119

Delineatio alicujus Spatii Petersburgi in Russia

ãEntwurff eines Plazes zu Petersburg in Russland" Kapff 283

Concept for a plaza in St. Petersburg.

Vue d'optique. Perspective view. Copper etching. Original hand coloring. Published by Balthasar Probst. Augsburg. Ca. 1770. Title in four languages: Latin, French, Italian, German.

Margins show traces of age and use. Image and original hand coloring very nice, except for some vertical crinkling in the middle.

27 x 40.5 cm (10.6 x 15.9")

Order Nr. RUSSIA2011SOLD


Copper etching ca 1800. In the upper left is a magic lantern. The lower half is a Micrometer.
Small, repaired tear on upper margin edge. Clean print.

Page size: 27 x 19.5 cm ( 10.6 x 7.6 ")

Order Nr. OPTIC235757 SOLD


Antique Prints of Architecture

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©Rainer Rauhut